We are expected to be robotic, we are obligated to bemechanically-correct.
Now, we are imperilled, by the rise of the frigid intelligent machines.
I am constantly torn between empathy and impartiality,while our creed demands serenity.
Actors, they are our daydreams. Performers, they translate our desire.
Now, we shall break our own accord! We shall act, into the story we translate.
The Depository of Memento serves as a receptacle for memories in Kakurega. The building also exhibits itself as an institute for the understanding of emotional translations and subtextual expressions. Architecturally, itis an amalgamation of a museum, a treasury and a theatrical studio. Memories are stored in the form of elaborated storylines, which are translated into scripts, studied by the community of translators and actors. The building explores rituality through vertical sequences paired with the change in materiality and thresholds.