Rennie Liffen is a British Architect from London who has practiced in Europe and Australia. Rennie was involved in design studio teaching for many years in the UK and has been living, working and teaching in Melbourne since 2005. Rennie established the Master of Architecture Studio 2 at the Melbourne School of Design, The University of Melbourne, over a decade ago. Rennie’s teaching was recognized in 2022 by the faculty with an ABPL Teaching Excellence Award.

Saran Kim is an alumnus of Masters’ Design Studio 2 (2022, semester 1) and a Graduate of Architecture at Architectus. Saran has four years of sessional teaching, research collaboration and assistance experience at the ABP faculty and she received an ABP Staff Excellence Engagement Award in 2023. Saran enjoys the rigorous, iterative design process and proactive design culture that Studio 2 is known for.

Oskar Kazmanli-Liffen is an associate with Edition Office and an Education Fellow at The University of Melbourne, originally from London. With experience in award winning practices, Oskar has co-led studios across the masters and undergraduate degrees at RMIT and MSD. He has been teaching Studio 2 with Rennie Liffen since 2019. Through teaching and practice his interests lie in a close understanding of site, diagrammatic and compositional clarity and the experiential qualities of object and space.

Former Studio Leaders:

Marijke Davey

Virginia Mannering

Long Term Collaborators:

Marijke Davey

Jarrod Haberfield

John Gatip

Stephanie Liddicoat

Ben Kronenberg

Kate Finning


Michaela Prunotto

Simeon Chua

Alessandro Antoci

Alex Savory

Amanda Goh

Amasha Samaratunge

Amos Ng

Andrea Winata

Andy Duan

Anson Zheng

Axel Sugiarto

Bofan Yi

Breanna Goh

Bryan Tan

Carina Cao

Carla Mileo

Carson Chan

CD Truong

Charlotte Li

Charlton Drake

Chee Kit Wan

Chen Dong

Cherry Deng

Christine Chen

Christine Jorge

Connor McBeath 

Crystal Zhu

Daisy Zhang

Daniel Ji

Daniel Zou

David Liu

Dirui Zou

Domenique Cosentino

Duncan Crowe 

Ellin Minogue

Emilie Evans

Emily Liu

Eunju Kim

Evan Jape

Evelynne New

Fan Zhang

Felix Garner Davis

Fengrui Si

Francis Burne Thompson

George Wilmott

Georgia Huang

Georgia Spencer

Gerald Low

Gregory Wang

Hannah Worley

Hao Yu Chen

Hoi Chin Lai

Hosna Eqbal

Isaac Laker

Isaac Yong

Jack Halls

James Winata

Jasmine Lam

Jason Le

Je Yen Tan

Jennifer Carey

Jenny Liu

Jenny Zhou

Jeremy Bailey

Jeremy Bonwick

Jesse Shen

Jessica Livia Darmali

Jessica Richardson

Jia Tan

Jian Shuang Cheok

Jiayi Chen

Jing Wang

Jinrui Lui

Jixin Wang

Joanne Tran

Jodie He

John Tanner

Johnny Xu

Jonathan Stathy

Julia Xu

Kairu Lui

Kaiting Huang

Katja Wagner

Kevin Lam

Kristy Tna

Kundan Bhandari

Kundi Shu 

Lauren Nguyen

Lewis Vincentzatos

Li Sze Shum

Li Xie 

Louis O’Connor

Linbei Huang

Lo Wan Hui

Louis Saunders

Lu Bai

Lucas Becerra

Lucy Jenkins

Maddy Laslett

Maia Guppy-Hall

Mandy Ye

Maneet Singh

Manning McBride

Mason Mo

Meichen Duan

Melissa Chong

Mengyan Yu

Michaela Prunotto

Mike Lam

Monica Percudani

Naiji Tian

Nakita Tsz Yan Chan

Natasha Su Wadi

Nenad Dabic

Nick Dean

Nina Nervegna Holden

Nural Muhamad

Oliver Wang

Philip Cen

Rachel Soebekti

Rayyan Roslan

Ricky Amos

Riley Woosnam

Roc Liu

Rosie Liaoyu Zhou

Ruby Yao

Ryan Small

Sabrina Lee

Saibal Dutta

Samual Halsall

Saran Kim

Sean Fu

Sean Shan

Sharleen Wonorahardjo

Sharvari Rane

Shengzi Huang

Sihui Huang

Simeon Chua

Simon Leung

Soke Yee Leong

Sophia Huang

Sophie Shen

Su Myat Naing

Sylvia Dong

Tahli Hogberg

Tang Wen Xuan

Tanzina Harun

Thandi Paterson

Thin Myat Noe

Tonia Pan

Torwin Tu

Tracy Liu

Uzhma Zulkifli

Valentina P Zambrano

Ved Patel

Vincent Rijanto Heru

Viya Zhang

Wanda Yang

Wenqin Sheng 

William Chen 

Winten Xu

Xinyue Wu

Yao Wu

Yaqing Tu

Yaseera Moosa

Yichen Wang

Yidi Chen

Yifei WangYilan Zhao

Yuan Liang

Yurika McGuire

Zac Goldberg

Zahid Shamsul Kamal

Zijun Mo

This is a non exhaustive list of Studio 2 alumni. If your name is missing, let us know.