I ascend the steps with my index finger scratching the veil
Here! I push my face against the fabric
A deep breath, I inhale
Unleashing the wrath that spoils the toxic
Till my voice pierces through every wall
Then, laughing, cheering and applause suffused the hall
Yet, I am just a naked man with some blatant utterance
Hierarchy and over-politeness has become common excuses to suppress the expression from the ordinary middle class in Tokyo. Over-cautiousness has.
censored their feeling with a smiling face.
The vessel of comedy is a place for people to slowly remove remove their pretence
through bathing and comedy. It creates unexpected encounters through the
variation of translucency, and permeability which disregard over-cautiousness
Obscure comedians can finally curate and perform freely to incentivise the
people out of the numb, to laugh, express, and reflect upon their thoughts truly
and laugh